La imagen que mostramos es de Grecia, pero podría ser de España, Marruecos, EEUU, Egipto o Inglaterra. Podría haberse tomado en Italia, Siria o Chile. Es el grito de la indignación que este 2011 ha recorrido las calles de medio mundo. El grito de quien ya no está a gusto con el mundo que le rodea. Que no admite un sistema social inamovible. Un sistema político que ha aprendido a soportar los desigualdades sociales a costa de no moverse. La democracia es una obligación. Pero la democracia real, no una apariencia mentirosa. Así no lograremos un mundo mejor, si acaso una guerra diferente a todas la anteriores.
The image shown is from Greece, but could be from Spain, Morocco, USA, Egypt and England. It could have been taken in Italy, Syria or Chile. Is the cry of outrage that this 2011 has walked the streets of half the world. The cry of someone who is not comfortable with the world around him. That does not support a social system unshaken. A political system that has learned to endure the social inequalities at the cost of moving. Democracy is a must. But real democracy, not a liar appearance. That's not a better world. Perhaps a war that is different from all the above.