Nuestro compañero de Caótica Economía nos deja la recopilación de artículos sobre economía de esta semana, sobre un tema que está ganando interés (aunque es algo bastante cíclico en los últimos meses), el cambio de paradigma económico, posiblemente necesario e inevitable.
- Our manifesto for Europe - Piketty
- Citizens Vs Economists - Stumbling and mumbling
- Central bank advice on austerity - Mainly Macro
- Expansionary Fiscal Policy Is Very Expansionary, during Extreme Recessions - Econbrowser
- Three Charts on Secular Stagnation - Krugman
- What can economics explain - Stumbling and mumbling
- ECB is delighted by the splendid prospect of deflation - Telegraph
- Interviewed by REASON magazine on virtual worlds and the future of economics - Varoufakis
- Qué es el High-Frequency Trading y por qué es peligroso - Jorge Segura
- Gary Becker and the economics revolution that wasn’t - John Cassidy
- The vast influence of Gary Becker - Matthew Yglesias
- La historia del pensamiento económico - @Pens_Economico
- Reinhart and Rogoff: One year later - Dean Baker
- Economic Approaches to Understanding
- Homo animal ambitiosum: Early modern theories of sociability between commerce and metaphysics - W.Paper (Ivanova)
- Change in Happiness - W.Paper (Powdthavee & Stutzer)
- Fact, Fiction and Momentum Investing - W.Paper (Israel et al.)
- Why Economics Failed - Krugman
- In what sense does economics need a “New Paradigm”? - DeLong
- The mainstream economics curriculum needs an overhaul - Vox
- Refocusing economics education - Fatas
- Economists and methodology - Mainly Macro
- Rebelión en las aulas de economía - J. P. Velázquez-Gaztelu